Wildlife Records for 2018
Jan 2018 Lapwings using fields by the Frome. Lapwing formerly bred on the water meadows but have suffered a decline throughout England.
Jan 2018 The remains of an Earthstar fungus were found in a garden in Cologne Road. ACW / RMP
The cold wet weather has meant a late start for spring but the warm sunny weather in mid April has brought things on with a rush. This means that migrants arriving at their usual time have probably had a shortage of food as insects will respond very much according to the temperature. So spring records this year are particularly interesting.ACW
On 4th of April Swallows were seen flying over the watermeadows between the Tank Museum and The Water Barn.
On 7th April a Cuckoo was heard in the same area.
Orange tips, Holly blue, Comma, Brimstone week of 16-
Large red damsel w/o 23-
White tail, Red tail, Buff tail and Common carder bumble bees w/o 23-
Great crested newt, and Frogbit re-
Chiffchaff singing corner of garden w/o 23-
Cuckoos in Hethfelton wood, Maggot Hill & Water meadows w/o 23-
Siskins and 2 pairs of Bullfinches feeding in garden.
At SY837867. BS
27/4/18 Speckled Wood and Green Veined White meadow off Cologne Road.
Brimstone & female Orange tip seen in Cologne Road in the early weeks of April
At the beginning of May there were Skylarks over the Solar panels just North of Woolbridge
Cuckoo in woodland at Bovington Farm
Hedgehog in Bovington School grounds
Orchids on the road verge in Bovington Lane.
In Late May -
Possibly a Turtle Dove was heard in Cologne Road, in recent years these have become increasingly rare.
Throughout the hot weather especially on the hot humid evenings bat activity has been high in Cologne Road. RMP
In early June a Grass Snake was found tangled in netting over a garden pond in Cologne Road. It was disentangled with difficulty and released at an alternative pond.
16/7/18 During the adjudication of gardens in Cologne Road for the Open Gardens event families of several woodland and garden birds were seen: Goldfinches, Siskin, Greater Spotted Woodpecker, Redpoll and Chaffinch.
20/7/18 Bovington Park (former Bovington Middle School) Trees in the grounds are to have a Tree Preservation Order. Turtle Dove has been recorded from the grounds.
July 2018. A Jersey Tiger Moth (above) seen in a garden in East Burton. NJ
August 2018 A Jersey Tiger Moth seen in a garden in Cologne Road. RMP
2/5/18 Cuckoo East of Cologne Road. UG