Ancient Woodland Ancient Woodland

Wildlife Records for 2020

4/1/20 Siskin in garden, Cologne Rd.

12/2/20 Brimstone exceptionally early sighting.  Cologne Rd.

16/2/20 Bullfinch Garden Cologne Rd. RMP

Ancient Woodland

27/4/20  Holly Blue  Garden Cologne Road, Bovington

1/5/20 Kingfisher  Bovington Stream

1/5/20  Nightjar  Calling over Woolbridge Heath

3/5/20  Cuckoo Calling Woolbridge Heath

4/6/20  Bullfinch family feeding on forget me not seeds Garden Cologne Rd. Shows the value of leaving plants after they have finished flowering!

June 2020 When the Alder Buckthorn above was in flower it was buzzing with Bees despite the flowers being small they must be very good for nectar. It also attracted a Rose Chafer

19/6/20  Raft Spider - Pond, Cologne Road

20/6/20  Grass Snake (1st year) Pond - Meadow,    Cologne Road

12/6/20  Wooly Bear Caterpillar of the Garden Tiger moth. Despite having a wide range of food plants including Dandelion it has become much less common in the last 50 years.

Found in meadow in Cologne Road

25/6/20 Moth Watch Cologne Road.

As well as 2 Elephant Hawk moths, 3 Privet hawks, 1 Pine Hawk and an eyed Hawk were caught. A total of 30 species of moths were caught.

Buff Tip

Elephant Hawk Moth